Open Knowledge Foundation grows up in Scotland

As Naomi Lillie recently reminded me, OKFN organised a groundbreaking event in Edinburgh way back in 2010. This had some great talks, and really got me interested in what was happening in the area of open knowledge. Rufus Pollock gave a cracking introduction, and as the programme shows, many of the prominent members of the Scottish open knowledge community did lightening talks.

Since then, there have been lots of initiatives across Scotland, and in Edinburgh we particularly benefitted from Naomi’s initiative in starting #OpenDataEDB meetups. These have been steadily building momentum, and we are beginning to grow a thriving community around open data and open knowledge.

Sally Kerr presenting the Edinburgh Outdoors Website

Sally Kerr presenting Edinburgh Outdoors Website during Informatics Smart Data Hack, Feb 18 2013

We have now reached a new phase with the official launch of an OKFN Local Group for Scotland. These are exciting times, and I’m looking forward to see how different initiatives, communities and groups can join in opening up knowledge across Scotland.