Who we are

Ewan Klein — Scotland Ambassador


Ewan Klein is Professor of Language Technology in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and has worked for over 30 years in the area of natural language and text processing. Many of the projects he has worked on have explored ways of applying language technology to concrete problems in non-academic contexts. His research interests include computational semantics, data visualisation and linked data. He is co-author of Natural Language Processing with Python and a project leader of the open source Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK).

ewan [at] raw-text.io | @ewanhklein

Lee Bunce — Blog Editor

Lee Bunce photo

As well as helping out with Open Knowledge Foundation Scotland, Lee is also the co-founder of Post Magazine and a volunteer with Wikimedia UK. He is particularly interested in open access to knowledge, free culture and issues of privacy and surveillance.

leebunce [at] postmag.org | @LeeBunce

Community Coordinators: Edinburgh

Amy Guy


Amy is a PhD student in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, and a web developer. She is interested in open data (obviously), semantic web technologies, digital content creators and the ecosystems in which they operate, device-agnostic websites, decentralised and ‘unhosted’ web services, and anything else that allows the Web to empower individuals and operate as a force for good.

amy [at] rhiaro.co.uk | @rhiaro

Andy Hyde

Andy is a freelance consultant working on projects where health, community and data collide and is currently Community Development Lead for ALISS, a platform for turning local knowledge into sharable, open data to support health and wellbeing. He’s particularly interested in the discovery and liberation of hyperlocal data and its potential to change public services.

andy.hyde [at] blueyonder.co.uk | @mrhyde

Leah Lockhart


Leah is a freelance consultant focusing on helping public and third sectors improve their digital literacy and consider how using web and social media can improve services and build relationships with citizens. She is interested in helping citizens, communities and public services understand open data and open knowledge, the benefits of being open and the opportunities available through involvement with the Open Knowledge Foundation.

lockhartleah [at] gmail.com | @lockhartl

Community Coordinator: Glasgow

Graeme Arnott


Graeme is a Training Officer with SECTT where he manages the Scottish Joint Industry Board’s Adult Training Scheme. He is a member of Wikimedia UK.

graemejarnott [at] gmail.com | @thegrimmbrother

Open Education Ambassadors

Lorna Campbell

Lorna is an Assistant Director of the Centre for Education, Technology and Interoperability Standards (Cetis) and has worked in education technology and innovation for over fifteen years. Her main areas of interest are open educational resources, open education policy and practice, and technologies for learning resource description and management. Lorna has an academic background in archaeology and also has an interest in digital history and humanities.

lorna.m.campbell [at] icloud.com | @LornaMCampbell

Sheila MacNeill

Sheila MacNeill
Sheila is a Senior Lecturer in Blended Learning at Glasgow Caledonian University. Over the past 10 years her work has centred on developments in the Higher Education sector through her work with CETIS. She is interested in all aspects of the development and use of technology in education and was awarded ALT Learning Technologist of the Year, 2013.

sheilamacneill [at] me.com | @sheilmcn

Open Science Ambassador

Graham Steel

Graham Steel
Graham Steel has been actively involved in Patient Advocacy work since 2001. His activities have been focused mainly on neurodegenerative conditions such as Motor Neurone Disease. He is also involved in advocating for Open Access/Science/Data and acts in an advisory capacity to the Public Library of Science (PLOS) and as of December 2013, acts as coordinator for the OKF Open Science Local Working Group in Scotland.

steelgraham7 [at] googlemail.com | @McDawg